Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 31, Sat

Whew!  This is the last cat.  Ting.  Sounds like another pretty incredible animal, polydactyl like my own beloved Jeebo~  I tried to get her feet in there...
"Ting was a wonderful girl. Even people who weren't huge cat fans loved Ting. She was so polite, petite, happy, goofy, friendly. I got her as a kitten when I was in high school. She was with me through many life shifts - even becoming quite the traveler when my husband joined the Navy. Even though she grew up with me she truly belonged to my husband. We had her until she was 19 years old and she stayed so sweet her whole life, even near the end when she was sick. We miss her every day- especially her vocalizations (she was half Siamese) and her beautiful blue eyes!"

 I will be posting more info about the show at Diamond's~  at this point, I am intending to hang the show next Friday, April 6th, and it will be up until May 20th at 1618 Central Avenue Northeast  Minneapolis, MN 55413, and I am planning on an Opening/Celebration on Friday April 27th from 6-8~  We will get your paintings to you on or after May 20th!

Thank you SO much for following this month!  I will be returning to my bi-weekly painting posts until the "30 Dogs in 30 Days" of July!  Keep that in mind if you or anyone you know is interested in getting their sweet lil' ol' mutt in on that one!




Thanks for the wonderful month of beautiful cats. Sign me up for 30 dogs in 30 days. Can't wait to see the results. Looking forward to the show!

Sandy Graeser Haynes said...

Looked all the way through the cats, kat !! fabulous.... sooooo wish I could be there ! Your paintings are just getting better, and better ! Have a great opening !! and keep up the great paintings !!