Friday, October 4, 2024

Little Wood Duckling

I'll probably bring this one along next weekend for the Red Wing Arts Fall Festival!  It's a cutie, and pretty irresistible, I hope-  

We've never done this art fair, and I was excited to be accepted into it! It should be a lovely weekend, looks like the high 70s, and we're there Saturday from 10-5 and Sunday 10-4~

It's just a little over an hour drive and the leaves should be looking pretty beautiful!  Come on down!

Rescue Duckling
8x10 acrylic on wood

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Another View Of the Peacock

Yes, Kel took a few photos, and I like how this one turned out- the bird is coming towards us, with one foot just visible below his body, and that elegant curve of the head... sometimes they just work!

I don't have a lot of painting time lately, and am so grateful for my Paint Love classes that allow me to talk about painting and to paint with people!  Come join us in my last 6 week session of this year!  You might want something fun to look forward to this early winter...

16x8 acrylic on canvas


Monday, September 30, 2024

September 30, A Peacock

 Lots of transitions happening right now- keeping my heart open and my optimism as high as I can hold it- this peacock was visiting my sister, somewhere in Switzerland.  I had to paint it~

10x8 acrylic on panel

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

LOLA Thank you!

 Ah, people!  I had such a great time this weekend at my studio!  Thank you so much everyone who made the treck all the way up the stairs and around to the back to see me! It is just always such a joy to invite people into my space-

I also did much better than I'd anticipated because several sweet people came and decided my work needed to go home with them- thank you!

And my friend Trish decided she could home my huge bear painting for me, so she came and brought him home during half time on Sunday!  Go Vikings!

I can't tell you how great it is to get one of my larger paintings out into the world... I LOVE painting big, but wrestling those canvases around can be tricky, and they are surprisingly delicate... it sucks when you accidentally punch a hole in something you've been working really hard on...

Just so you know, if you ARE interested in a larger piece, let me know because I am happy to work out a "relocation" discount!  Just saying...

Here's a few pics of the bear and Trish and me, and the bear in its new home!

Happy Bear! Four feet by three feet, so just fits into a SUV!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

September 19, Another Commission

 This is a lovely wolf-dog rescue named Leeloo, whose owners met me at the Art-A-Whirl crawl in Northrup King earlier this year- I was so honored to be asked to paint this creature, whose humans were so clearly in love with her. 

That is the part of painting commissions that I am constantly awed by... I'm not sure that's grammatically correct, but that's how you can tell I wrote it myself... no AI used here, just heart! What I mean is that there is a grace in being invited into that love between owner and pet, I get to be a part of that love, even just on the barest edge of it, and it touches me so deeply. I feel like I can't quite say it right without sounding corny.

Being human is hard enough. Having animals helps us be better humans. My best job is to somehow illuminate and honor that love through my art. And sometimes I don't quite get it right! I appreciate it when a pet owner lets me know something is a little "off" in a portrait, and I know that can be hard, especially in Minnesota with our kindness to one another, but I do want you to have a painting that you will hang in your house and will love to look at for years to come. If something is wrong or just a bit strange, always let me (or any artist!) know so we can adjust it for you. I think anyone else would agree- the best advertising is when someone loves your work and tells others about it.

Whew! That was a lot!


Monday, September 16, 2024

September 16, Cha-Ka, A Commission

 It isn't too early to get your holiday commissions in to me!  I love it because it keeps me painting, my friends!  I do have stuff I'm working on, but having something to do for someone else keeps me on my toes and working, and that's part of the happy bit of pressure I need to keep working~

Think about it!  I can paint from just about any photo you have- this is a painting for Steph, who commissioned the piece for a friend who lives far away, and she gave me a choice of a few photos and I loved her story that went with this one, so I wanted to paint this!

And I'm so pleased with how it turned out~

The cat is so clearly in possession of the shoes...

I love that expression!

Oh and thank you everyone who came to Diamond's for the 30 Dogs Closing Party!  I'll be getting your paintings to you this week, everyone who couldn't make it~

Thanks all!

12x6 acrylic on panel

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Afternoon Reeds

Here's another one I'm working on, from Camp Mishawaka- there's just something about the light in the reeds, all those darks and lights, that I just get hooked on! Not sure if this one is done yet or not-  Duane liked it while I was working on it in our little cabin...

Wow, I do hope you were able to get out and enjoy the weather this weekend! It has been absolutely glorious in Minneapolis!  I went to the Minnesota Zoo by myself on Saturday and walked the Tree Top Trail for the first time- lots of familys ambling all over the place, and on Sunday  Duane and Max and I went to the State Fair. Unfortunately, we didn't leave as early as we'd intended and got there around 11, which meant it was a madhouse and we ended up driving all over to find a parking spot, and walked around 7 blocks just to get IN to the fair. We went in by the horse barns to a gate I didn't even know was there, and were rubbing elbows (literally!) with our fellow humans within minutes. It was SO packed! We managed to make our way to the Global Bazaar where I ate bison meatballs from the Midtown Global Market and Max found a alpaca poncho (and I found a gorgeous turquoise bracelet!) and the boys ate egg rolls, and then we wandered a few more places, having to track after Duane as he snaked his way through the masses of humanity. We finally escaped to the Sky Glider and rode almost all the way back to where we came in- whew!

And then YESTERDAY, we went to the Renaissance Festival!  This time we left around 8am and got there before the gates opened. A lot more space and less humanity, and we all had a great time! I love the way everyone talks and jokes around at the Renn fest...

So I hope you've had some fun too!

Still working on this one....

Friday, August 30, 2024

August 30, Marsh Grass

 Yes, I see blue and purple everywhere. I was doing a watercolor birch tree demo for my sixth graders this week and was showing them (with a photo!) that the shadows were blue and purple, and they had a hard time seeing it. Isn't that funny?  Am I just trained better to see it? Sometimes I don't think you see what's really there until someone points it out to you-

These are some gorgeous water reflections in the watery area behind a hotel in Two Harbors, Mn.

Love this!

24x12 acrylic on wood

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

August 27, One Last Sunset

Good morning!

It's been a bit stormy here in Minneapolis last night and this morning. The storms woke us up with the strobe flashes of lightning and torrential rain. Last night the front came through with tremendous winds, blowing all the trees around in wild dances... it looked like a Harry Potter movie... one branch across the street and broke in our neighbor's windsheild.

And this is a view of sunset on Lake Pokegama in early August...

10x8 acrylic on wood


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August 21, A Commission

 I really enjoyed painting this one! When you paint a cat, there's so much going on- their eyes are rounder than a dogs, so there's more luminosity happening, and the facial structure, the anatomy is very different. And sometimes when I'm teaching a Pet Painting Class, people get caught up in the whiskers. You have to do them last. Very last. And you have to practice your quick, deft brushstroke first. It's a very light touch, just enough!

Oh and the dogs are up at Diamonds, in case you needed an excuse to pop by!

6x6 acrylic on wood

Monday, August 19, 2024

August 19th, Evening Reflections

 Yeah, I couldn't come up with a better title.... those are hard! Any good ideas come your way, be sure to share them with me!  I'd love some help with more creative titles for my work...

It's been just gorgeous in Minnesota this summer. I feel a little bad for the rest of the world. It's a beautiful morning, just walked the dogs down to Lake Hiawatha, and Duane made me a spinach omlette for breakfast, and now I'm heading to school for our workshop week.

It's what a life is made of, isnt' it?  Those little moments...

I hope I'm painting some of them- and if you're interested in painting some moments too, come join me next Saturday for my Paint Love Sessions!  More info here!

16x8 acrylic on canvas

Sunday, August 18, 2024

August 18, Smooth as Glass

Sometimes the lake would be so smooth, you almost felt like you could just step onto it and walk right out. I'm sure it also might look like this is the winter when it's frozen, though you would not have the dock in the photo then, because anyone who has lake property knows you gotta bring your dock in. Unless it's a special one...

Around 8pm, I think, just gorgeous evening. I wish I had gone swimming, but I didn't. I did put my feet in, anyway...

8x16 acrylic on canvas


Friday, August 16, 2024

August 16, Walter

Just so you know I haven't only been painting dogs!  I did get a couple cats done.  And I've got a few commissions I'm working on now~

And we will NOT be at the Carpenter Art Fair tomorrow- we have had a bit of a family emergency, and I have not had time today or will have time for the event tomorrow. But you should go anyway!

And this is Walter!

10x10 acrylic on wood


Thursday, August 15, 2024

August 15, Reach

 I still have room in tonights' Paint-Your-Pet Class at my studio in the Ivy!  We're painting from 6 to 8:30 pm!  Come on over!

And this is another horse from Camp Mishawaka- it was an extremely buggy early summer so most of the horses had full face coverings to protect them from the mosquitos and black flies... it was rare we were able to take photos of their naked faces! This was one of them~

12x6 acrylic on wood

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August 13, Patience

Did I mention there were horses up at Camp Mishawaka?  This is our fourth summer there, and it is the FIRST year I was able to ride a horse!  My horse's name was Merle, and he was older and a bit clumsy, I was told. He was a delight to ride through the woods!  It's such a different experience, riding on another being... it wasn't a long ride, but long enough to feel like we were working together a bit, especially on watching for fallen sticks in the path and humping up the taller hills in the path.

So this is one of the horses! And I'm afraid I don't know exacly who... but I'll have this painting with me at the Carpenter Nature Fair this Saturday!  Duane and I will be together under the big tent again- come see us!

We're on the WISCONSIN side of the St Croix, just past Hudson, from 10 to 5pm!

12x6 acrylic on wood

Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 11, Dogs are DONE!

 Wahoo!  So I've completed all 30 dogs, we drove home Friday night and I spent most of yesterday getting the dogs lined up and varnished as well as unpacking and doing mounds of laundry (anyone who's ever sent a kid to camp knows this job...) and today I'm driving up to Two Harbors for a brief holiday with my two sisters and my mom and my youngest sis' sweet fiance~

No rest for the wicked, right?

I do have some spots left in this Thursday's Paint Your Pet class if you'd like to join me!

AND this Saturday August 17th I'll be at the Carpenter Art Fair at the Carpenter Nature Center in Hudson WI! This is a great little art fair with REAL artists and no crap, and music and beer and wine too!  We are on the Wisconsin side of the St Croix, so make sure you look at the directions!

And I still have space in my Paint-Love Six-Week Saturday Morning Painting Class!  This is an opportunity for you to hone those painting skills and commit to a six week daily (or almost) painting regime with me as your guide (and dominatrix if you need that!) I only do three or four of these Six-Week classes a year, so let me know if you have any questions!  We start August 24th, 9:30 to noon-

Thanks so much everyone!  What a beautiful summer we've been having!  I can't wait to see the colors of fall!


some dogs and a couple horses!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

August 8, Lillie Mae for Brent!

This is Lilli Mae~ and my dear friend Cindy asked for this portrait for her love of her life, Brent's birthday~

Lilli Mae is the sweetest most loving girl. She is a Shiba Inu American Eskimo Mix. 

On our way home from our lake place, we always stopped at our favorite little farm, for ice cream and puppy snuggles. On one of those stops, there she was. We ate our ice cream, had lots of puppy snuggles, and were on our way. It was so hard to leave her. 
We talked about her the entire week. She melted our hearts. 
The following weekend was our 23 Wedding Anniversary.  We decided, if she was still there it was meant to be. Happy Anniversary to us!

Lilli absolutely loves her treats! She learned “like a lady” because when a treat was offered, she nearly took our fingers with it. 
She loves car rides, walks, stuffed toys (especially bunnies), and travel adventures. 
She is NOT a fan of fireworks or thunderstorms. 
Her favorite food is licorice. She doesn’t care if it’s red or black, she’s just happy to share either with us. There is no sneaking it when she is near.  

We are so grateful she waited for us. Life would not be the same without her.  


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

August 7, Sir Winston

 I don't think it looks like it, but I spent a lot of time on Sir Winston here... the photo was a bit blurry and so I did my best but he looks a little muppet-y....  I'll see what I can do later!

Sir Winston passed away on July 28th, after a diagnosis of kidney failure and attempts at IV fluids and meds. He was a well known presence in our neighborhood, as he paraded the sidewalks and inspected our local flora and fauna. He loved being petted by humans and could be a little stand-off-ish to other dogs, especially bouncy little pups!

He will be missed~

8x8 acrylic on wood
spoken for

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

August 6, Luna

 This is a sporty looking dog, and I believe the photo was taken aboard a boat, with the spray in her teeth and her bandana fluttering in the wind... the dog of summer, perhaps?

Luna was a bit tricky to paint, and I'm still not completely happy with the shape of her head somehow... something seems off and I didn't have time to figure it out before I had to post this, so I may be adjusting as it comes to me!  I think her fluffy ear puts off the shape of her forehead, and the 3/4 view is also a bit weird...

But she does have a great smile!

8x8 acrylic on wood
$250 (tax incl)

Monday, August 5, 2024

August 5 Pluto!

 Pluto is another one that I just could not NOT paint! I mean, really!  Look at that face! Open, loving, joyful, ready to lick all those worries away~

I also really loved the straight on gaze~ I love photos  where the dog (or cat or horse or cockatoo, whatever they happen to be!) is looking right at the viewer- its just a more fun one to paint. I paint the eyes last, the "bling" of the hightlights last, and that's when I know the painting is done. When I pull back and say "hello!"

8x8 acrylic on wood
$250 tax INCLUDED