Tuesday, July 18, 2017

July 18, Kong! for Emily~

This is Kong, who has a lovely beard, and who is very appreciated by his owner, Emily~  she has this to say about Kong~  and I didn't paint the car-ride photo, though I kinda wanted to!

My dog, Kong, an Apricot Standard Poodle, is my muse! My phone is full of photos and I happen to think he's super cute! His goatee is very unique and gets him a lot of attention (which he loves). His favorite things are cookies and hanging out with his favorite people. Kong says he'd love to be featured on your 30 dogs of 2017!  He loves people, so the more people that stop and talk to him on walks around the lake the better! He loves to smile, he loves carrots, and he loves car rides. I've included a photo of a car ride, he's not the most photogenic with his head hanging out the window, but you definitely get a sense of his spirit in that picture! 

8x8 acrylic on wood, $185 click here to purchase this doll face!

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