Friday, July 15, 2016

July 15, Rupa!

This was SO much fun to paint!  wow, those eyes, those ears, that NOSE-  such fun!

And here is Rupa's story, in his own words~

 My name is Rupa. A strange name, I know, but my parents tell me it’s a name from a far-off place called ‘Nepal’, where they spent their honeymoon.
 I’m a lucky dog. I get to play a lot with friends at daycare. I get to go to school and learn all kinds of new things. But mostly, I’m lucky because I get to make a difference for my family.  I came to this family just before my grandma died and I could tell that made everyone sad. I decided that it was up to me to keep everyone smiling and laughing during their grief. So I just keep acting silly, giving them big slobbery kisses and the best part is, they keep giving me treats every time I do it!

12x12 acrylic on wood, sold~

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