Sunday, May 12, 2013

Back from Grand Marais! Whew~ Sunday Night...

You know, it is incredibly exhausting to spend a weekend creating work, with that being the focus of the time....
And it is especially wonderful if you end up having a pile of supportive people who are totally equally exhausted, and just want to sit and drink wine and watch "Doc Martin" but who instead are willing to help you while you are adjusting to the discomfort of total and complete irritation in an attempt to stuff it and not worry about it while trying to be true to yourself and your art....
okay to most of you that will make no sense whatsoever, and to my painting class, I will explain on Wednesday, and to everyone at the Art Colony in Grand Marais this weekend, THANK YOU!!!!!!
Here's a couple things...
More tomorrow when I've recovered a better level of grammar...

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