Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday, March 16th, PEARL!

This one is my friend Bonita's son Tony's cat Pearl....  it was a bit of a tough photo, which I included, and I am really not sure of his actual eye color, and think I would like to go back into this and fix it a bit because I love all my other cat paintings and I want to LOVE this one, and I only just LIKE it....

Oh, and tonight is the Women's Art Institute Scholarship Fund Art Sale at St Kate's!  I'll be there from 3 to 8pm!  Come on over!  It looks like a lot of fun-  tons of art!  you walk in, and see something you like and GRAB it off the wall before someone else does!  The parking lot right off Randolph is open for parking in!
Yay!  Check the website here or the Facebook page HERE!

1 comment:

Liz Johnson said...

Hey Kat,

This is Liz, Tony's wife, we met a few years back and we enjoy 5 of your paintings. I had no idea Pearlie was a part of your 30 cats annual project. We love the painting of Pearl we got from Bonita. She's a great cat with many great stories (one highlight is she was lost for 2.5 years). I'm thrilled she's one of your cats! All the best.