Friday, March 9, 2012

March 9, Friday~

And this is Aliana's cat, a fluffy critter again...  and she says...
"Thanks for including my little guy!  His 'official' adpoted name my sister gave him was Ozzy, then I
took over and shortened his name to Oz. We call him Suay Chong Lao because when we were away for months in Thailand, this lady called her cat named Sip Song (which means '12') "Sip Song Suay Chong Lao" or "12, so beautiful already".   Cute. It made us miss ourcat and his nick name, among several, became Suay Chong Lao ever since." 
I did appreciate the multiple colors in that translucent fur, and this is another example of a rather not great photo... really pixalated...
oooooooo so much fun!
Didja catch that moon last night!?

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